Book Book Lady Kym Sims If you’re inquiring about a speaker for interviews, conferences, or special events, I look forward to the opportunities to pour into women of all ages. Use the booking form below to submit a request to book Lady Kym Sims or reserve a date. Support Form (#1)WHAT IS THE DATE OF YOUR EVENT? REQUESTED START TIME:REQUESTED END TIME:TITLESelect OneMrMrsMissDrProfEVENT COORDINATORMINISTRY/HOSTEMAIL ADDRESSCONTACT NUMBERALTERNATE NUMBERIS THIS EVENT FREE? Yes No EVENT COORDINATORNUMBER OF GUESTSLocation where you'd like the event to take place.FACILITY TYPEPlease SelectChurchEvent CentreColiseumBanquet HallTentOtherAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Submit Request